"SALAD DAYS presents "Heaven is a Long Exhale" Album Party!" Gig Review

I remember a lot of the hype surrounding this event was for the live set of internet favorite Eggboy even though this was a fundraising event for The Buildings' Japan tour. I think there were more people during Eggboy's set than the main band's.

This was probably the best sounding show I've been to at 123 Block and the videos show it. WAX opened the show with his laidback and very indie rock set - a step up from the first time I saw him and feeling closer to how I imagined his set would be. Internet darling (formerly Maryknoll) were next and featured a long set full of their originals as well as rarely-played covers from Cinderella and Daniel Johnston as well as their signature energy. Megumi Acorda were up next - another crowd favorite - and drenched the venue in reverb and warm and fuzzy feelings. A lot of people were waiting for the Eggboy set and sent everyone into a frenzy. Diego and the gang played their hits and got everyone singing and/or moshing from start to finish. Last up were The Buildings and they even added a percussionist/pianist to mix up the song arrangements. Their extended set featured a lot of crowd-favorite songs from their first album and hits from their recent one. They ended the evening with a bang by playing a Gory Orgies cover - a treat not seen in years.

Alongside the event, the band also put up a fundraising page to help support their Japan trip which looked to be a success! Good luck to The Buildings and I hope their trip sets a precedent for other bands to explore out of the country trips!

Janlor Encarnacion