Ambient Lights - Regenesis: Sound Architects Album Release Party (02.01.2020)

A Sound Architects set always has me worried. They usually like to dim the lights and maybe use strobes from time to time. It’s a pain to cover. This gig was no different but the lighting scheme served its ultimate purpose.

One thing about the set design really stood out - the lights. Two sets of high-powered lights flanked the stage and in classic Sound Architects fashion, the sets were bombarded with flickering strobes and intense bursts of color. No static lights. Just pure dynamism, dancing along to the current performer. The evening opened with a dark dj set by skinxbones. He powered through some technical difficulties and still delivered a great warm up for the next band. Monochrome delivered their wall of noise with aggression. I think it was the best set I’ve seen them play. Moon Mask played next with his synth pop that upped the crowds energy. Hopefully, it’s a full band that plays the next time around. Last was the extended set from Sound Architects. They played their new album with a few old songs mixed in for good measure. It was also the best set I’ve seen them play. The songs transitioned well and the whole set felt like a visual representation of a soundtrack.

Lights during Sound Architects sets are the bane of my coverage at Mow’s. But this evening, Not being glued to my camera made the music take center stage and make the whole experience entrancing.





Moon Mask

Moon Mask

Sound Architects

Sound Architects