"So If You Wanna Burn Yourself Remember That We Hate You!" Gig Review

I don’t know how to preface this. This gig’s good vibes was trampled on by the awful national elections. This was supposed to be a celebration but it was overshadowed by an election that… I don’t know anymore… But the gig was still a blast, though. It was a “Welcome Back” party to one of the most sought after groups in the local scene, Alternatrip. They even brought back their penchant for giving long names to events.

It’s your classic Alternatrip gig line-up! Tarsius opened the night with their signature experimental beats set. Identikit was next and served up a refreshing set full of new songs as well as old favorites. Up next was the awaited return of Megumi Acorda which a lot of the newer gig-goers were screaming for. The band’s sad dream pop set left a lot of fans singing along to guitar lines and lyrics. spacedog spacecat followed up with a fuzz and rock filled set, setting them up to be a band to watch out for. The Geeks followed suit with a set filled with new songs from their upcoming album and old faves, as well. Next up were the ever reliable We Are Imaginary with a slightly different set as well but still entertaining nonetheless. Cinema Lumiere premiered their newest lineup with a new bassist and keyboard/vocalist. Their new songs are vastly different and improved and I’m looking forward to their new releases. Alternatrip teased a surprise set and it was a doozy! The Strange Creatures, in a hybrid form, ended the night with a few classic songs and it was the first time in a long time that I sang/yelled along to a set.

The gig was supposed to celebrate Jon’s birthday and it was a fun evening. It’s just unfortunate that the presumptive results of the elections put a huge cloud of doubt and despair over the week that followed. Nevertheless, Alternatrip is back and I’m excited to catch more ace gigs from the group.

Check out the performances below!

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