"Gruesome Basement Algorithms Vol. 1" by emma bot

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Sebastion Morado of Awktard just released his debut solo EP “Gruesome Basement Algorithms Vol. 1” under the name emma bot. Sonically, the EP draws on pop-punk and Weezer-like slacker tunes to keep the energy and emotions running throughout the length of the short EP. Can’t wait for volume 2!

"Gruesome Basement Algorithms" involved me digging through my voice memos app for really rough demos/recordings and making it a goal to make at least 5 of these recordings into full songs in the span of a day. I promised myself I would finish them up no matter the outcome and post them. I did this as an exercise in trying to follow through with ideas cause more often than not, they just end up stockpiling on either my phone or my laptop. - Sebastian Morado