"Inside Enclosures" EP by muckmedicine

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Probably one of the good things about this whole quarantine/lockdown scenario is the abundance of musicians making and releasing new music. One of these is muckmedicine who just released his new EP “Inside Enclosures”. I had the opportunity to have a quick chat with him and ask a few questions.

JLE Music: Tell us a little something about the EP.

muckmedicine: ‘Inside Enclosures' is a compilation of songs I started writing back in 2018. I only had the time & energy this recent quarantine to actually record and finish these songs.

J: Why did you make it?

m: This solo project, 'muckmedicine', is basically my personal outlet on some things I experienced, whether it be happy or sad. Inside Enclosures showcases how I've been feeling most of the time. I don't know how else to say it. Para bang journal ko siya, ganun. And yung EP title na "Inside Enclosures" represents yung utak ko, or yung body ko as a vessel for feelings and emotions. 'Yung katawan ko, enclosure siya, tapos yung nasa loob no'n, 'yung feelings ko, which is then translated into songs.

J: What are your musical influences?

m: My musical influences naman, I got heavily inspired by Acid Ghost, on how simple their songs sound pero may bigat pa din; may sense pa din and nafe-feel mo pa din yung pinapa-feel nila. Other influences are CASTLEBEAT, No Vacation, SALES, and Blonde Tongues. I must say siguro nasa process pa 'ko on learning & mastering my own style.

Grab a copy below!