"Mnemonic" EP by Snitch


Snitch just released his debut EP - “Mnemonic”! The EP’s soundscape came as a total surprise especially after playing shoegaze drones for The Rave Tapes. The 5-track EP plays out like a cyberpunk soundtrack with each song dipping into genres like industrial and sludge. Listening to “Straphangers” felt like an intro to a movie and slightly reminded me of the Linkin Park remix album way back in the day. “Wetware” sounds like a futuristic club banger. “Pig Rig” has that lo-fi industrial feel while “Kleptoid” sounds like a villain’s theme song. The EP ends with “Maglev” - a soothing end to your trip through dystopia.

In the artist’s own words:

“Mnemonic" is a collection of songs written to capture a landscape of distant dystopian future where human society's way of life is already taken over by mostly corruption of artificial intellegence. Individually, each song shows a unique facet and when conjured as whole, creates a grim image of a corrupted landscape from the future.

Grab your copy below!