"Slow Symphony" by DJ Joey Santos

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DJ Joey Santos just released his latest single - Slow Symphony. The lead vocalist of Halik Ni Gringo and renowned DJ uses his mastery of sound and space to create a piece that explores the perception of time through music. It places the listener in a moment of stasis using a combination of psychoacoustics and ambisonics. This creates a three-dimensional space in a pair of stereo headphones while enabling the listener to navigate that space through sound.

Slow Symphony comes from the first part of DJ Joey Santos’ POST: EMPLOYMENT oeuvre, a multi-act online installation that combines ambient and electronic music with reactive visuals coded using Max/MSP/Jitter that runs until 2021. It serves as both "plague diary" and journal, a companion as he explores life after work during a pandemic.

The song evokes multiple feelings associated with change - the optimism of certainty, the overwhelming dread of anxiety, and the hope of a better future.

Slow Symphony is composed, produced, mixed and mastered by DJ Joey Santos at Love One Another Sound Production. It’s released under floppydisks.