"The Curious Life of Mr. Hyde 1: The Jazzhound" Single by Createurs

The Curious Life of Mr. Hyde 1: The Jazzhound is the band's third single from their upcoming concept album, To Tell The Tale, and the prequel to their Hyde series. This track specifically talks about the character's mental health and the stigma he is encountering throughout his life. Jazzhound also takes place at the beginning of the story, a pivotal point in Seth's journey.

Lastly, Createurs hopes to deliver a message about mental health disorders and how they shouldn't be underestimated and must be taken seriously, especially in there trying times.

The single is available on today on Spotify, Youtube, and all other streaming platforms.

The Curious Life of Mr. Hyde 1: The Jazzhound was composed and performed by Createurs. It was produced by Alek Mangoroban at Absence Recordings on September 2021. The single art was made by Limuel Ramirez.

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