"Treehouse" by Breakfast Clouds

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In another timeline, the launch would have taken place at Paper Latern, surrounded by friends, with a great stage design, and the place full of warmth and celebration. In this timeline, a video call will have to do.

Breakfast Clouds released their new EP - Treehouse - via an online event with help from the ever creative Almost Crimes. The event was simple but very charming, hosted by Paula Castillo and Red Bartolome, and also featured an interview with the band. Though internet is the biggest problem with any online event, I did appreciate that there were visuals show for each of the songs on the EP. You can watch the replay at the Almost Crimes facebook page.

It’s been months since I reviewed an event and all that was running through my mind was that online can never replace the presence of people and just being engulfed in soothing music. The EP is the closest thing to warmth that we can get until we can all go outside and meet people again.

Have a listen below!