A Glimmer Of Light - I'm Conscious: An Awktard Album Launch Party

The lead up to this event was made up of great marketing. The band dropped teasers of the songs everyday until the event - a showcase of the influences for the album. The line up also reflected it which I thought was a great touch. 

Outside the venue, merch was laid out with copies of the album and shirts available for sale. One thing was different though - pinwheels. They were being given out to gig goers and gave a sense of mystery as to what they were for. 

Inside, the set design was minimal - only a few lights and a projector with different visuals per band. It was a really nice touch that added to the quirkiness and introversion of the main act. 

The gig was off to a good start - early. First up was Parlor Parlor and this set was special. The crowd wasn’t too big yet and the usually rowdiness wasn’t present. Even without the crowd’s energy, the band was still giving off it’s own, much like how animated a Pure Mind Quiet Heart set is even with a small crowd. The set was still great. Polar Lows’ set is always a treat. Josh didn’t play drums that evening but Jerome fit in perfectly. There was an unplanned intermission before the next band though. A reminder to never underestimate Manila traffic. The delay wasn’t too annoying, mainly because the event started early. It just gave people more time to rest for the next band. Oh, Flamingo sets are always full of life and their songs are easy to like and sing along too. The set was short but sweet and effective. Next up was The Mind Is A Terrible Thing. Please go check out their album. The songs are dynamic and emotional and they also translate well live. Irrevocable was aggressive, as always, and a great way to keep the energy up for the main act - Awktard. The set showed a more mature sound, changing tempos, varied styles. Definitely some traces of emo and alternative. I really appreciated their attempt at sharing what they made through their awkwardness and quirkiness.

I just kind of wished that the pinwheels that were being handed to the audience was made to better use. Yes, the pinwheel was part of the cd jacket and design but I thought there was going to more usage of it during the gig.

The event tried to do something different with the pinwheels and the projector. Things not normally seen at Mow’s. The dim lighting added to the atmosphere and served as a reflection of the introvertedness of the band. But their set also showed what little people can see is the only light they’ll ever need. 



Parlor Parlor

Parlor Parlor

Set Design

Set Design

Polar Lows

Polar Lows

Oh, Flamingo!

Oh, Flamingo!

The Mind Is A Terrible Thing

The Mind Is A Terrible Thing



