Great Evening And Still Hopeful - SCOTT "Sugar Junkies" Album Launch Party (02.29.2020)


In an evening full of other great gigs, a small event was brewing to throw a celebration of art and noise.

The evening started out strong with math/post-rock band KIIT. They are a group of veterans in the scene and it can be seen in their tight set. You don’t have any leeway when using delays and they really hit their stride. Next was a new band to the Furiosa stage - AMGD. Their set was infectious and easy to get into. The tempo didn’t let up and the use of an old phone headset for vocal effects really gave the set a grittier/DIY feel. HVVNLY brought their heavy shoegaze sound to the venue and left everyone wanting more despite the potential hearing loss. Young up and comers The Revisors showed that they can hang with their titos and kuyas with their own rendition of 90’s alt rock. Dream pop band Megumi Acorda settled everyone down with their melancholic and emotional set bringing everyone to tears. The main attraction for the evening was the last set of SCOTT. He brought his bedroom shoegaze sound at the forefront and left everything on the stage - always a great performer and a great set.

It was another great evening filled with masterful talent at Furiosa and a great celebration of art from the artist formerly known as SCOTT. It was just a shame that a handful of people were able to experience it. Hopefully, more people will experience the same in the future.

Failed surprise

Failed surprise







The Revisors

The Revisors

Megumi Acorda

Megumi Acorda