Useless isn't always value-less - Stay Useless #12 (03.06.2020)


A packed venue on a hot almost-summer evening doesn’t sound too enticing but this night was special. It was the twelfth Stay Useless show and a large crowd and broken air conditioner are part of the evening’s experience.

The evening started with the down-to-earth bedroom pop of Grrl Cloud but no amount of chill could calm the crowd down. The energy was so high, the band would get the same cheers and slight moshing from a more upbeat set. The general feel of the audience was one of excitement - ready to explode. Ourselves The Elves followed up with their hits and got the crowd going. The Buildings also got in on the action - while also introducing more new songs in their set. Up next was Cowboy Country Club and they were the rest that everyone needed. Their music reminded me of some Beach Boys with their vocal harmonies, and some Simon and Garfunkel or Bob Dylan. It was refreshing to hear and their ability to hush the excited crowd was amazing. A rare Sour Cheeks set followed and it was out of this world. They played old songs and most from their EP and the set was great. I hope they play more shows! Bowling Night followed with their prom-friendly tunes. They’re a band who shows some promise especially with their new song but still has a ways to go in finding their own voice. The talent is there and just waiting to come out. An avant garde and experimental set from Paso de Blas followed. The finale was a wild set by Parlor Parlor. I’ve only ever heard a clean set from them but the added randomness of crowd diving and broken cables makes their wild sets a must-see.

I can still remember a time when SU gigs were more frequent but didn’t have as big an audience. Now, the venue is getting filled and the lineups are getting bigger. I can’t wait for the next one!

Grrl Cloud

Grrl Cloud

Ourselves The Elves

Ourselves The Elves

The Buildings

The Buildings

Cowboy Country Club

Cowboy Country Club

Sour Cheeks

Sour Cheeks

Bowling Night

Bowling Night

Paso de Blas

Paso de Blas

Parlor Parlor

Parlor Parlor
