Of Kicks, Punches, and Support - The STABLE Album Launch (01.04.2020)

It's a common Filipino tradition to start the year with jumping. It's supposed to help you grow. But what does moshing do?

I didn’t know what to expect from the gig because I only knew 2 bands in the line-up. I also knew that it was it was a punk/hardcore gig but the event was still a surprise.

The event started about 2 hrs late but Miggy, STABLE’s vocalist, was kind enough to go around and apologized to all the early attendees.

Everything started out okay. KNF opened the night with their punk sounds. The place was still bare - people on the couches and enough space to lie down. Tidal was next and their set really made me appreciate their sound. They didn’t play as fast as the other bands but their pacing was the calm before the storm. After that, it was all an amalgamation of bodies, punches, and kicks as the audience started to get bigger and rowdier. Burnik Bomb stood out with their ska and accompanying horn section. The energy calmed a bit during Nonentities set. I guess the crowd didn’t wild out as much because they had a more deliberate sound. Hard-hitting in places then slowing down at the break only to bring things back up again. All in all, a pretty energetic line-up. It had high and mid energies - highs to get peoples anger and aggression going and mids to keep people on their toes, guessing, and resting for the last act.

Then, it was STABLE. The pit opened, instantly. They opened with covers, played their originals but the energy never wavered. Up until the last chord, people were still going wild. I asked my friend why he didn’t want to join in and he said, “I have my limits”. And good thing because he saved my old ass a couple of times. 

During the set, the band was able to thank everyone who came out to support - friends from all over and who came from far away places to a basement bar to support their friends and give their love.

It’s one of those things you expect from that kind of show - raw energy and. But one thing you can always expect at an album launch - support and camaraderie.
