01.17.2020 The Flying Lugaw: The Last Order

Your favorite (or hated) music critic is serving you a fresh bowl with “The Last Order”. I’ve only seen half of the line-up live but The Flying Lugaw gigs have never disappointed me.

We’ve got TNG screaming in from Bulacan, inviting you to cry with them. Ciudad is bringing their nerdpop stylings for you to dance (or mosh) along to. There’s also Parlor Parlor for prolonged sing-alongs and even more mayhem.

I’m excited to see the other bands play and I’m hoping for flying bodies and broken beer bottles.

There will also be merch sold at the show so make sure to bring extra cash, and most of all, savor the moment - it might be the last.

Event page: bit.ly/LASTORDER

Poster by Elly Cua (ellyphant)

Poster by Elly Cua (ellyphant)