"Party Pace Nauseous Album & Music Video Launch" Gig Review

It was odd to formally announce an album launch for as big a band as Party Pace with less than a week to go and for that same event to happen on a Thursday night AND for it to also be a halloween/costume party. But the concoction of these factors still made for an interesting experience.

The line-up was a bit odd - made up of rappers opening for an instrumental band. JRLDM played a very short set of only 3 songs to start the evening. Ankhten tried to hype the crowd up - which at this point was made up of people from the hiphop and rock community which is signified by the way they dressed. Meek and Chill and Owfuck also delivered solid sets to warm the crowd up for the main event. It wasn't my first time watching Party Pace but watching them for the first time got me hooked. For a new band, they played very clean and they just vibed. Each member was a joy to watch play and every second was mesmerizing. The album doesn't do the band justice - you really need to watch them live.

The event was also the release of the music video for their new single "Lumalapit Palayo" which played on a big LED wall. Though the event had some odd elements like the host who couldn't interview the band after their set, it was still a fun pre-halloween, album release gig for a band that is greater than the sum its parts.

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