"Atlas Initative" EP by Mickosis

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After a year of preparation, Mickosis is finally releasing his debut EP named 'Atlas Initiative', Atlas being the name of his main recording guitar, and it being the catalyst to push the dream forward. He has taken no compromises, enlisting artists that are already known in the progressive guitar community such as Connor Kaminski, and Adam Bentley of Arch Echo. He has also collaborated with Adam Bentley on programming the drum parts, as well as Bentley co-producing, mixing, and mastering the EP. Mickosis is a passion project first and foremost, but one can only expect bigger and greater things for 2020 and beyond.

Atlas Initiative is the instrumental debut EP of online guitarist Mico Rigunay, under the moniker Mickosis. The EP is a collection of 4 songs which are handpicked from his past demos shared on SoundCloud, before he decided to commit to the recording project. Atlas Initiative is about being able to commit and release a body of art that isn't necessarily the best form of the artist yet. Described as a way to be able to see who he was as a musician back then and being able to see it in a well-produced, committed, and final form, gives him a way to be able to evolve and move forward as a guitarist and most of all as a composer.

The EP takes you from hyperactivity in the first three songs to melodic maturity in the last song. Sonically, I hear a lot of power metal but the changing progressions and sweet solos divert attention and keep you wanting more.

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Mickosis is the progressive metal brainchild of Mico Rigunay. Now based in Makati, Philippines, what started as a bedroom project now turned to a full-fledged, international recording entity. Mickosis aim to be the limitless vessel where Mico can create what's in his heart and soul, and be able to share to the listener with intent of having the audience resonate with the feeling, concept, and purpose of the music.

Mico, born in Manila is better known in the local scene as the guitarist of indie band Something About Alexa, another successful project he formed albeit having a shorter lifespan. He aims to apply the same level of drive and commitment to the Mickosis project as he is tied with the name, as it has been his online identity since, and for the rest of his career.

Citing broad influences from acts such as Coheed & Cambria, Dream Theater, and Periphery, he also loves to incorporate pop-punk styles in acts such as Mayday Parade. His music can be described as modern, emotion-inducing, but not overly technical—but it can be at points. The purpose of Mickosis is not to showcase guitar virtuosity but more so present a cohesive song that will not be limited to the guitar or progressive community.