"Saudade Ultra" EP by Gravity Lock

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Nostalgia can be a powerful thing and this EP has loads of it. Gravity Lock announce their arrival with a grunge alternative blast from the past with Saudade Ultra! The EP features a tonal range reminiscent of the heavy sound of the 90’s - triggering flashbacks of watching MYX’s Bandarito, baggy pants, long hair, head banging, and Pulp Summer Slam. A great example of taking an older sound and making it relevant.

I was able to have a quick chat with Randolph of Gravity Lock to talk about their EP.

JANLOR: With the background of your members, why did you choose this sound instead of a more hardcore/noise sound?

RANDOLPH: Just before the lockdown, me and Joe wrote a couple of straight-forward hardcore songs but we ended up shelving the whole lot due to the pandemic. We ended up writing and recording a demo out of the blue that is sort of outside the hardcore spectrum to challenge ourselves in terms of going against the grain and stepping out of our creative comfort zones. As soon as Dennis got involved, we wrote and recorded 3 more over the span of a month and a half.

J: What are the band's influences?

R: We listen to a lot of grunge and alternative, bit of shoegaze and what-not. We’re all big fans of Hum, Failure, Deftones and Teeth. We also try to squeeze in a bit of hardcore elements to our sound any chance we could.

J: What are the themes of the songs in this EP?

R: Human relations, fleeting joy and pain, bitter farewell, facing the consequences while winging the whole situation, the line between depression and dysphoria.

Stream Saudade Ultra and grab a copy below!