"Iturol Ang Talim (Point The Blade)" by FLATTBUSH x THE EXSENADORS


FLATTBUSH and THE EXSENADORS just released a new single - Iturol Ang Talim (Point The Blade)! The bands don’t skimp on how they feel about the on going killings and ineptitude of the current administration - stating the number of deaths as of recording and referencing Oplan Sauron. They call on people to unite and hold the people responsible accountable.

I was able to chat with the band regarding their release and here’s what they had to say.

JANLOR: How did the collaboration come about?

THE EXSENADORS: Hi, this is Thomas from The Exsenadors. The idea of collaborating for a track came from Arman Maniego, bassist of Flattbush, when he visited the Philippines for a vacation in 2018. He invited Pitz and I in a night out to watch a reunion of a folk group in a club in Visayas Ave. Aside from discussing politics and the usual subversive stuff, we told Arman our plan on releasing a full length album. As the conversation progressed, he volunteered to send a bass and drum track that we can use for a song in the full length to which we delightfully agreed to.

After months of exchanges, Arman sent the promised bass and drum track, recorded in his personal studio in Los Angeles, in the 3rd quarter of 2019. Between October and November of the same year, recording of the Exsenadors’ guitar and vocal tracks commenced. Initial mix of the song was ready as early as December of 2019 and was sent back to Flattbush for comments and suggestions.

The collaboration was stalled until the 1st half of 2020 mainly because of the imposition of lockdowns in the Philippines and the US. The project resumed in late July when the guys at Flattbush sent additional guitar and vocal tracks. The track was finally finished in August and released a few days ago.

The single, ”Iturol Ang Talim”, is planned to be included in a collaborative album of Flattbush and us. Though it does not have a definite release date yet.

J: How important is it to inform the public of the atrocities that are happening?

E: The State – run by big landlords, compradors and the elite – will never admit to its bloody war against the poor. The past and present regimes are all involved in carrying out extra-judicial killings, enforced disappearances and other oppressive measures.

Speaking about atrocities carried out by the State against the people through our music is a core responsibility for us as a band and as individuals. It’s somehow a countermeasure and is part of the efforts of the mass movement to fight the deception and lies of the State being forced-fed to the public. In our own way, we try to tell the version of the story of the oppressed and marginalized – peasants, workers, urban poor and others.

J: What do you have in store for your fans this year?

E: We’re nearing the completion of our long overdue full length album. We plan to release it in CD and cassette tape format around October to December through an online streaming event. New songs are also in the works for an upcoming EP next year that veers away from the band’s typical sound.

Stream “Iturol And Talim” below!