"Mercy" Single by Lower Myth

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Lower Myth is Metro Manila-based singer-songwriter and producer​ ​Andrea Ramos'​ ​solo project. While she has been writing and releasing music under different monikers as early as 2013, she has also spent the last few years primarily focused on her role as Devices' synth/keyboard player. However, over the past year in quarantine, she has been focused on honing her artistic vision as a solo musician. As an artist, her goal is to make pop music, to explore the different forms it takes and the intersections it makes with other genres and sounds.

Her first single, Mercy, released on January 15, 2021, is her first real step into fully realizing that goal and growing this solo project. Taking on the synth-heavy production of 80s pop and the steady yet bouncy groove of 90s house and dance music, Mercy is a textured and vibrant introduction into Lower Myth’s sonic universe.

Written, produced, and performed by Ramos, the track talks about the experience of living with anxiety––how it affects and overwhelms the physical body just as much as it does the mind, how the feeling looms over and follows you. Despite being a dance track with a driving beat and layers of bright synths, Mercy is also undeniably melancholic.

“My main vision was to write a song you don’t know whether to dance or cry to,” says Ramos. “While I do pull a lot from my personal experiences, I didn’t exactly set out to write a song about myself. I know a lot of people who feel the same way, the same things that I do. The struggle and desperation that comes from living with this heavy feeling, those are the things I wanted to convey the most.”

The track sounds like something that fits into a DJ's end of the evening/morning set in TodayxFuture, signaling the patrons to head home or your own personal playlist to get lost with your anxiety. The beats are dance-y enough to keep your attention coupled with the tender synths and vocal softness to asking you to bask in the mood.

Stream Mercy below!