"ONE TOO MANY" Single by Bianca Tañega feat. jocelvn

Bianca Tañega has released her first collaboration of the year. Last April 8, 2022, she teamed up with LA-based Taiwanese singer, jocelvn, to put out another female empowerment anthem, ‘ONE TOO MANY.’

The song touches on sensitive topics that may be triggering to some listeners such as emotional abuse and sexual harrassment within relationships, but Bianca considers it one of if not her most honest and critical piece to date.

With the lines, “You got me thinkin’ love’s on somebody else’s mattress / And there’s just one too many girls that understand this,” Bianca talks about how sexual intimacy nowadays has become the focal point of relationships so much so that it’s become hard for her to find someone who won’t expect it of her. She also notes that too many girls all over the world have had their own version of this story.

“I think it was very fitting that we released the song this month. I wasn’t aware of it at first but April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month,” Bianca says, “There are too many people—not just girls actually—that still experience these things. It doesn’t make me glad to say that many people might be able to relate to this one, but I hope that whoever does hear it, if they do relate, I hope they feel heard.”

The dark pop song was once again done in collaboration with innerbloomboi, as well. Bianca says he was the one who got her in touch with jocelvn in the first place. 

“They’ve worked together before, and when we were working on this [song], he suggested we get her to feature. I told her my story, and she wrote a great verse. It made a lot of sense to have two girls from completely different backgrounds sing on this track together. I think that helped strengthen the message I wanted to put out. Plus, I’ve been a huge fan of hers for a while [laughs],” Bianca says.

Using her platform wisely is something Bianca Tañega takes very seriously. ‘ONE TOO MANY’ is just the beginning, and listeners can look forward to more music as she continues to make waves both within and outside the music industry.

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