Legaspi-based indie band FERVIDS are attempting to make a name for themselves. Born from the idea to make a Beatles cover band, the members started making original songs with cues from the aforementioned band, The Strokes, the British Invasion sound, and grunge. Some of the DNA can be heard in the band's recent releases but they sound more like overly long intros than complete songs. Their first release - ROGUE WAVES - starts with a sinister guitar riff with dark vocals to accompany the anxiety-induced lyrics but the off beat singing and lack of drums leaves leaves a bland taste in my mouth. The same goes with their demo SWEET TOOTH ACHIN' but has a slightly improved sound with the addition of drums. Both songs fall short in being complete by lacking an ending. And a middle. Which is a shame because the songs sound like they are building to something only to abruptly fall off. I'm hoping the other songs in their planned album are more fleshed out compared to these bare releases.

Check out the single below!

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