"Show Up" Single by Bird Dens

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I still remember the first time I watched Bird Dens - I was enthralled by the rawness of the sound. The internet didn’t have too much information about them during that time but now they’re on Bandcamp with the release of their new single - Show Up!

I was able to get a quick chat with Howard to talk about the band and what it is.

JANLOR: What are the musical influences for Bird Dens?

HOWARD: Todd Rundgren, Jon Brion, Paul McCartney, Dirty Projectors, Jason Falkner, Deerhoof

J: With you being part of multiple bands, how do you determine which songs are going to be part which band's repertoire?

H: I don't really choose based on the sound, but depending more on whether I'd like to work on them collaboratively or alone. So I guess it's just like having an introverted and extroverted side of yourself too as a musician.

J: What can people expect from Bird Dens?

H: More music, definitely! I have a huge backload of material waiting to be finished. They range from being soft and subtle to being really loud and weird! Haha

Have a listen at Bird Den’s first teaser below!