"Sleep Kitchen" Album by Sleep Kitchen

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The ongoing pandemic took a lot away from us - loved ones, jobs, normalcy, sanity, and events. I still remember the day I got news that Catch272 burned down. It wasn't even their fault - the fire from the neighboring building crossed over and took the bar down with it. I was starting to warm up to place - it was where I went to my first ever hiphop gig. The burgers were great and the place had friendly cats and people, too!

But from the ashes emerged the debut album of the bar's home band - Sleep Kitchen. Releasing their self-titled album during a tumultuous time is no easy feat but the band was still able to shine through. Unapologetically blues and soul, Tao's vocals absolutely bring hope to the album. Sonically, the album doesn't tire the listener with a lot of slow songs that are staples of blues and soul and instead introduce the listener to a healthy diet of orchestra, full band, and acoustic performances.

Stand out songs are Andun Ka with a hiphop flavor to support the vocals serving as a great opener, Mukha Mo bringing me back to listening to Yano complain about the struggles of everyday life coupled with the melodic word play of Bullet Dumas, and Raven with it's orchestral feel.

I was able to have a quick chat with band.

JANLOR: What did Catch272 mean for the band and will we ever see the bar again?

SLEEP KITCHEN: Catch272 was the womb that nurtured us and the home that raised us. It will always be our favorite place, forever. It saw us through our mistakes and our triumphs, as a band and as individuals. We owe the family we have become to Catch272. The COVID-19 pandemic is far from over. Because bars and other establishments where crowds singing in unison are last on the list of places that are safe to reopen, we don't know if we will ever see Catch272 again. The bar is run by people the same way the band is made up of people; all hit by the pandemic and all with the imperative to survive.

J: How was the recording/production process done especially during a pandemic?

S: Recording was completed in January of 2020 so going into the studio to record our individual parts was not an issue for us during the pandemic. Calix had everything he needed from us, and we pretty much just let him run with it in whatever way and pace he wanted. We all agree that that was the best decision we could ever have made for this record. What he did with this album is the best possible thing to do for it. We urge you all to hire him for anything and everything that calls for a music producer.

J: How did it feel being a Choice Cut on Toast or Roast?

S: That was unreal. The team behind Toast or Roast is composed of giants. We are nobody in the grand scheme of the scene, and we are grateful. Any form of recognition still leaves us dumbfounded.

J: What can fans expect from the band in the future?

S: We announced in February 9 on our facebook page that we had made the decision to disband. We're afraid online gigs are not coming down the pipe in the foreseeable future. This self-titled record is our love letter to all of you who have supported us over the last 4 years. Thank you for continuing to stream our songs. Now, we can be with you while you cook, while you drive, while you try to fall asleep. Thank you for letting us be a part of your stories. Thank you for being a part of ours.

Stream Sleep Kitchen's album below!