"Soft Limit" Album by Soft Limit

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Itos Ledesma just released a his experimental project Soft Limit! The project is a reflection of the artist's exploration of multiple soundscapes ranging from rock to pop to noise to everything in between. But rather than being a self-indulgent piece of art, the variety of music in this album balances out - providing the listener with an abundance of material to dive into. Dissecting the individual sounds in each song is a very rewarding experience and lends its endless amount of replay-ability.

In the artist's own words:

A recently actualized experimental project — Soft Limit — released a self-titled debut album last 25th of June. Soft Limit was released independently and works toward a sound that traverses an eclectic array of styles, ranging from synth pop to garage rock, from psychedelia to noise. This collection of 9 songs was conceived by Itos Ledesma (formerly of Yūrei, now also working on his own as Kristo Baal), who intended to explore new territory and grapple with complex feelings borne from anxieties brought on by the climate crisis and a pervasive sense of grief upon reflecting on the past and present of the Philippines. Ledesma takes a protracted approach to these subjects, issuing absurdist non-sequiturs and evoking vivid, surreal images juxtaposed alongside an aggregate of conflicting genres and approaches to song craft, allowed to supplement, complicate, or even disrupt one another.

Working closely (and then remotely) with producers Kean Reformado and Mike Tee of Malabong Lababo (Ourselves the Elves, The Buildings, Grrl Cloud, Subsonic Eye) since 2019, Soft Limit now presents an unconventional release, one that escapes easy categorization and instead allows itself to be porous, playful, and open-ended.

In solidarity with those that continue to work toward defending the planet and its inhabitants, Soft Limit has decided to distribute 50% of proceeds from Bandcamp sales to two organizations — For the Future PH and Youth Advocates for Climate Action PH — taking action against climate change. The album will be made available on streaming platforms two months after its initial release.

Check out the album below!

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