"Sunflower Street" EP by Cowboy Country Club

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My first serious introduction to music was way back in high school. My older brother started listening to CDs of an old band called The Beatles. He’s play an album for a whole week on a stereo system in the room we shared and I was forced to listen to everything. Good thing I took a liking to the music. By the end of the year, we’d have memorized the tracklist of each album by heart - some I still remember - and that let me explore more bands during that era. Cowboy Country Club’s latest EP - Sunflower Street - rekindled those days.

In an obvious throwback to a much simpler time, the band brings music back to the basics of vocal harmonies, church organs, and simplified instrumentation. The album’s production also helps evoke the warm feeling of listening to an old record but with slightly cleaner vocals. It’s an EP that can easily slide into an RJ 100 playlist and your grandparents won’t even notice. Standout track for me would be Pandemic Special with all its changing progressions. I wished it played a bit longer, though, and I imagine the ending building up like and finishing like “A Day In The Life” by The Beatles. But that doesn’t take away from the nostalgia-inducing freshness of the EP as a whole.

Stream Sunflower Street below!