"Waiting For Your Words: Early Recordings 2000​-​2002" Album by Soft Pillow Kisses

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After so many years, recordings of OG Philippine indie pop band Soft Pillow Kisses are now available for your listening pleasure! Released by Shoegaze Pilipinas, the compilation features the bands earlier records and mastered by Jerome Velasco. What stood out for me was hearing the pianos/organs - they definitely added a new dimension to the listening experience.

Don’t take my word for it. Maria of Beast Jesus made the perfect write-up.


I wouldn't have believed it if you told me there'd be a formal Soft Pillow Kisses release-- especially at such a shit time like this. For the longest time, they were a closely held secret nestled in Manila's indie pop/shoegazer underground, and having their earlier recordings remastered by fucking Jerome Velasco just means I could FINALLY shill the fuck out of this band to a wider audience.

When I was like, 14/15, I snagged myself a copy of MTV Ink and it had this section on indie pop which opened so many doors for me-- particularly the knowledge that the genre existed, and, if this isn't the Mandela effect at work, that bands like Candyaudioline and Soft Pillow Kisses were its local standard bearers. Both incredible bands from Siegfried Torres Montero.

Meeting Apple Orchard and former SPK member, Dale Marquez through the Popscene Manila compilations was a life-changing experience, and introduced me to a lot of the local scene's luminaries-- often with personal anecdotes from back in the day. This would prove incredibly influential. I'd wind up carrying the music with me into my adulthood.

So much of my life was set to SPK's music, and by extension, the community they built around it-- from my first failed romantic encounters with mythical indie girls who played bass, to getting mixtapes from Sunday Picnic Love Affair's Manny Gallo (esp Manny for throwing the early SPK stuff on a cd for me) and The Wentletraps' Ria Silva. As a dumb hipster from the Davao City hardcore scene in the 2000s, this meant a lot to me as it gave me a window into a community I wouldn't have otherwise seen myself.

Being in my teens and exploring every other music-based subculture, there was an intensity to the way this stuff eventually inspired me to make music of my own. When I first picked up guitar, it wasn't so I could write Discordance Axis grindcore bullshit-- it was because I wanted to write guitar pop like Soft Pillow Kisses did.

It's strangely poetic for them to drop this on Valentine's Day. In college, I'd spend hours listening to I Don't Know What to Say and wishing I'd meet someone I could actually say those lyrics to. "I love the way you make me laugh-- you're not like anyone." Like, wouldn't it be cool if someone actually liked me enough to say that too?

In my twenties, I was slightly less cringeworthy. Not by much, but at this point I'd have been in several major relationships and going from a general It Will Never Last (Forever) vibe to a newfound sense of grounding ala Stay Here for a While. I mean, let's just say the band's oeuvre is all up in my brain folds. Practically every song has a core memory associated with it.

Now, I'm in my thirties and looking back at the way this band's woven their music so deeply into my experience of youth and romantic love. I honestly hope y'all give this band a shot, and that it becomes as much a part of your life as it did mine.

Listen to the album below!