In a striking scheme of things, "WAVES TOUCHED SKIES" can be viewed as the first part of a series of 2-track EP releases. In this regard, written songs on every released are primarily musings of heartening circumstances at a certain point in time.

In today's hard and trying times, bleakness comes in as no surprise. We often find ourselves staring at it anywhere our eyes may land. Still, we should not stop finding our light. Maybe we just have to remember to approach things on a gleaming angle and realize that we still have control.

"WAVES TOUCHED SKIES" is an appealing first attempt to take away pessimism by placing back the luster through alternative/shoegaze driven body of work.

SNITCHSCAPES is a solo artist/music producer who writes around electro, ambient, rock, shoegaze genres and everything in between. He began writing songs for this solo stint since 2019 allowing him to craft enough tracks that were eventually compiles into an EP release dubbed "Mnemonic".

A huge departure from his first release, "WAVES TOUCHED SKIES" showcase Neil's shoegaze and melodic prowess in band form. Evolving from the beat and synth heavy "Mnemonic" and Sound Munition series, this EP takes more from the artist's alternative and shoegaze bag of effects and adds a dose of oomph. "Under Your Spell" lull you into a false sense of safety only to drop hard riffs and double bass drums. "Slice of Light" lubes the tones to reach its climax near the half-way mark. I wish there more songs on this EP but it makes me look forward to more releases in the future.

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