"Furiosa 38" Gig Review

To start off the weekend tour, Furiosa came back with a vengeance via their return gig - Furiosa 38. Even with so many events under it's belt, the shoegaze prod's return was very very welcome and reverb-drenched.

Everyone's favorite spacegaze quartet The Rave Tapes welcomed everyone back with their signature plethora of songs from their EP to start the festivities. Indie/dream pop outfit Cinema Lumiere were next to warm themselves up for the Lucena and Naga tour over the weekend and even debuted a new song. Indie stalwarts Identikit also flashed their new songs during their set. Monochrome followed up with their own brand of post rock that I definitely missed. Populardays flexed their OG line-up and kept things light with more dream pop. Super-producer and eclectic instrumentalist The Ringmaster was next with his interesting mult-genre mix livened up the bar. Unfortunately, we had to skip Ozzga and Polar Lows sets due to the tour travel.

Furiosa took a break over the past few years to retool and refocus on what made them the go-to prod for everything noise and gaze related. Now, they're ready to make our ears ring again.

Check out the performances below!

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