"THE FLYING LUGAW 2022" Gig Review

This was rough. This was Murphy's Law in effect. Elijah and I got there early to rest and set things up but that's when we got the news that the main venue was double booked for the evening. With only a few hours before the event, the decision was to hold the event in the speakeasy at the 2nd floor at the back of the art gallery. The speakeasy was infinitely smaller than any of the venues I've been to with no ventilation and only one entry and exit point with house speakers that were far from the stage. The stage was not meant to support bands with more than 3 members. It was the first time I just wanted an event to end. Which is a shame because the lineup was stacked and was supposed to be TFL's comeback event.

First up was shuichi having some first-performance jitters but showing promise. Hardknockz' set was stellar and their simple set up translated well to the stripped down. Sandwich were straight up pros. Their set picked up midway even with Raymund not being able to hear himself and all the other issues. He tells it better in his Youtube video. spacedog spacecat had a rough time setting up with the venue's lack of a sound tech and even a mic stand which took away from the performance that they are capable of. Shanne Dandan was next and having a simpler set up also helped her set though the vocals felt lacking but was more due to have the venue's house speakers are placed though her vintage singing style made her set stand out. Catpuke's in-your-face punk set was supposed to have been a good set but technical difficulties - again - and a drunk crowd-killing audience member ruined the mood. Last was neophyte shoegaze band Matoki with a more mainstream approach to the genre - having more audible vocals along with pedal-infused guitars. I'd like to see them play in more favorable circumstances.

It was a shame that this line-up was not given the chance to show off this night - maybe in the future - and I do hope that Dirty Kitchen will do a better job managing it's events because we all need more venues where bands can play.