"WOW, GIG!" Gig Preview

The UP Music Circle has always strived to live out its mission and vision in the form of putting on performances of note both inside and outside of the university setting. It has always been their goal to share their love of music especially through the gigs that they organize.

The current pandemic has been a constant problem for around 2 years now, necessitating the shift to an online setting for most if not all activities and events. Slowly, but surely however, they have been transitioning into a new normal wherein more and more face to face activities are becoming accessible. The UPMC last successfully held a face to face gig in 2019. As such, The UP Music Circle wish to take this opportunity to finally put on another face to face gig after the long hiatus featuring artists such as Granny Lee, Joshua Kim, and Weej. This gig is being made possible with support from co-presenter, Technomancer: a tech company that aims to offer IT support and solutions to businesses in order to aid in their online operations.

With the org overflowing with talent, they are looking to transition from the confines of the online world and embark with rejuvenated energy to hold gigs in real again. The online format brought conveniences such as watching in bed and shorter watch times but lacked the rawness and unpredictability of the live setting. I’m sure that the talented bands in the UPMC pool will deliver a return performance that will set the stage for future live events.

Watch “WOW, GIG!” on Aug. 6, 2022. P500 gets you in with a free beer. No Vax card, no entry. Stay safe and enjoy!