"WRATH: Queer Night @ Mow's" Gig Review

It's been years since I spent back-to-back days at Mow's and this weekend was a test of how my body can still hold up to the late nights grind. It was also interesting to see the band area be situated around the back corner - making the playing space fan out which should help the flow of people using the back door and also to spread the sound of the band better. I think the new arrangement had some bad feng shui though as this evening - and the following - was met with a lot of technical difficulties. Where to you see guitar strings from 2 different bands broken in the same evening? The event was still fun though.

Memoryville opened the evening with an intimate solo set filled with bops and serenades. Final Girls were up next with a noise rock performance that could use more practice but ended with an entertaining guitar explosion. catpuke were their ever-energetic selves and technical difficulties didn't hamper their performance. Four Limbs Six Hands followed up with a very technical and emotional set that left me very impressed and I still want more. Seance and The Kleptokids had a very interesting set filled with spoken-word poetry, a My Chemical Romance cover, and diverse originals that was a good change of pace but left me scratching my head thinking about what I saw. Half/figurd were next and got the place jumping with their covers and originals (more of this please). The evening was bookended by a house dj set from baby ikea and hiphop bangers from Haute Couture.

Even with all the difficulties -which I feel came from the change in the band playing area - the evening was still a good celebration of making a safe space for anyone and everyone.