"The Resentment Segment" EP by hazylazy


This EP dropped a couple of weeks ago but it’s still a very fresh listen. hazylazy just released his debut EP - The Resentment Segment! The album takes on a more mature approach in terms of sound and topics. The songs are the musically expression of introspection that the artist just needed to let out. Sonically, I’m drawn to the multiple melody changes and tunes reminiscent of latter Beatles records.

I was able to have a quick chat to talk about the release among other things.

JANLOR: Why release now?

JASON: To be fair, this EP has been delayed for like a year. I didn't really plan for it to be released during the pandemic (nothing about this year went according to plan anyway), but it was supposed to be released early March. Nonetheless, I think the pandemic holds a significance for me and for other musicians out there. I think we can all agree that this pandemic made us think more. We as artists tried (and are still trying) to see the bigger picture with everything that's been happening around us. If anything, it just so happened that the release happened during a pandemic. Though isolation never felt this heavy and confusing as before. So I just told myself, this EP is still good to go amidst all the chaos-- the theme still fits anyways.

JANLOR: How do you decide if a song will be played by Hazylazy or Seratonin?

JASON: There is actually no process when it comes to choosing which act gets what song. Sometimes when I write music, I know right off the bat which project it goes to. Though sometimes, it gets juggled. There will be songs that are initially for Serotonin but after a week or so, it's already hazylazy's. I tell my bandmates of course...

JANLOR: What's next for Hazylazy?

JASON: I guess I'm gonna take my time to discover new music and soundscapes that I can play around with. Surely, there will be new music soon. Not sure how long the wait is though. The Resentment Segment represents my disposition even until now. So maybe I can let it sit out there for a while until I gather new thoughts and reflections. I make demos from time to time and try to capture good bits to form a puzzle which could may be a sophomore EP or a debut album.

Stream The Resentment Segment below!